Adley Hogan Gladden bio
Born: Sunday, October 28, 1810 Fairfield Dist. SC
Died: Saturday, April 12, 1862 Corinth MS
Buried: Magnolia Cemetery, Mobile, Mobile County, Alabama
Brigadier General Adley Hogan Gladden was born in Fairfield District, SC, 28 October 1810. He became a cotton broker and then served in the Seminole War. He was rewarded with an appointment as postmaster of Columbia, SC. He then participated in the Mexican War as a Major in the Palmetto Regiment of that state. In the assault against Churubusco, the regimental Col. and Lt. Col. were killed, and Gladden became Col. of the Regiment. Gladden himself was wounded at the Belen Gate in Mexico City. After the Mexican War, Gladden made his home in New Orleans. When the Civil War broke out, Gladden proceeded to Pensacola as Col. of the 1st Louisiana Regiment. He was promoted to Brig. Gen’l, 30 September 1861, and was assigned to command a brigade including his old 1st Louisiana. During the bombardment of the Confederate forts in Pensacola Harbor, Gen’l Braxton Bragg praised Gladden’s defense and when he was assigned to command Confederate troops in Mississippi, Bragg created a brigade to serve as a model of discipline, under Gladden’s command. The plan was not pursued, but in January 1862, Gladden transferred to Mobile and Corinth where he commanded a brigade composed of four Alabama regiments (21st, 22nd, 25th, and 26th), the 1st Louisiana, and Felix H. Robertson’s Battery. At Shiloh, Gladden’s brigade came under heavy fire and the commander was hit by a shell fragment, carried from the field, and died soon afterward, 12 April 1862. He is buried at Magnolia Cemetery, Mobile.